David R. Powell, diabetic peripheral neuropathy Complications of type2 diabetes can kill

diabetic peripheral neuropathy Complications of type2 diabetes can kill

Complications of type2 diabetes. This video is regarding complications of typeII diabetes. According to the world health organisation (WHO) figures, diabetes is predicted to be the 7th leading reason behind death by 2030. At this time, diabetes ranks as being the 8th leading killer in the world. Heart disease. The world health organisation research also concludes that heart disease is the cause of between 50% to 80% of deaths amongst the diabetic community. Therefore, based on 2004 figures of 374 million deaths by WHO is:- 1. 187 million deaths are recorded due to diabetes based on 50% death rate. 2. 299.2 million deaths due to heart disease on the higher percentage of 80% Stroke can also be known as the brain attack. It occurs because the availability of blood to part of the brain gets cut off resulting in loss of memory along with loss of other bodily processes like walking and talking. The risk of a stroke for a person with diabetes is 2 or 3 times higher and more likely. Kidney disease could affect anyone’s life across the ages. The communities more likely to develop kidney disease were sighted as African, American, Hispanic & American Indians. In most cases, there was high incidence of diabetes and high blood pressure amongst such groups. But, as the diabetes is on the increase across the world. The whole world is equally at risk of kidney disease/failure. Figures available suggest 44% of the people on dialysis are as a result of diabetes. Blindness. Diabetic retinopathy if the arteries in the retina are damaged causing loss of vision or blindness. 40% to 45% of the American diabetic population have some level of retinopathy requiring regular monitoring or treatment even. Laser treatment can help repair the burst blood vessels in the retina and restore back and reverse several of the damage. But laser therapy is very expensive and due to that it is not available to everyone. As regards to blindness, people with diabetes are 10 to 20 times more likely to go blind than those without the condition. Amputations resulting from diabetes is most common. The 2010 data for UK below makes for a startling reading:- 1. 100 people a week lose a lower limb, toe or foot. 2. 1 in 20 diabetics develop foot ulcer. And, 1 in 10 ulcers lead to amputation. 3. Diabetics are 15 times more likely to have a limb or toe amputated than those without diabetes. 4. 70% death rate within Five years post amputation. Finally, these figures can be a snapshot of the true devastation caused by diabetes. What is needed to counter-act the onslaught of this condition and its consequences is more education, more awareness and more care. What should you do? Well, get help, educate yourself, make yourself more aware, be informed and stick to a tried and tested program. Visit http://ift.tt/1yNIcIM access the latest information, act on this data, restore life back and live an amazing life. DIABETIC PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY : 00:00:05 diabetic peripheral neuropathy 00:00:12 diabetic foot pain 00:00:20 diabetic foot ulcer 00:00:28 diabetes complications 00:00:36 diabetic ulcer diabetic peripheral neuropathy http://ift.tt/1uYMbTq

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