Can I cure my type2 diabetes, Cure type2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes cure by diet, type2 diabetes cure

type 2 diabetes cure by diet Type2 diabetes is not the end type…

type 2 diabetes cure by diet Type2 diabetes is not the end type 2 diabetes cure by diet

What you don’t know can kill you. This is certainly true for type 2 diabetes.

Make sure you are not a victim, take action, educate and inform yourself. Click here & start today!.

If you have full blown diabetes, you areclose to becoming diabetic or you are pre-diabetic but you don’t fully understand what dangers your organs and body is exposed to. May God help you. Not knowing is not an choice even though the statement is a nonsense one. In a nutshell, your chips are cooked for not doing the right thing and for not helping yourself.

Let me explain.

We as human beings and patients of our respective medical conditions place a great deal of trust & faith in our medical carers, specialist nurses, professionals, experts & those highly trained consultants we wait for months in the queue to see. These people and groups are generally considered to be in the know. Do they know I ask you?

When one is undiagnosed diabetic one is at risk of all sorted of health problems including death because organs can fail. As a diabetic, you are 50% more likely to suffer a heart failure. Your risk of a stroke due to high sugars for years is very high too.

The best example of not knowing and causing self harm as undiagnosed diabetic is this. John smith; a 40 year old man, loved mangoes and when they were in season he consumed them by the boxes. He often found himself with heated arguments with the mango supplier. He liked his mangoes to be ripe and juicy. So, he will open 10 boxes and feel every single mango and make up his own boxes from the stock. The shop keeper said, I will sell you these mangoes at a good price but please do not feel them because by so doing you kill them. This particular client will not have any of it. He always got his own way.

Any guesses why this chap behaved the way he did for months on end?

He had cravings for the mangoes. He wanted them and when he started eating them. He did not eat just one mango, he ate 2 boxes; 12 mangoes of an evening.

20 years on, he was walking with the help of crutches because mangoes raised his sugar to very high levels and thereby caused irreversible nerve damage. There is no known treatment other than pain killers. Not only did he deprive himself of simple thing that we all take for granted like walking, he also cries every night due to pain.

Finally, going back to the doctors and their advise. Diabetics get poor advice from every one from the nurse to the top doctor as I have discovered to my dismay. And, when they act on that advise, they simply perpetuate their diabetes. They are forever the customer of their Doctor.

So, what is the answer?

My advice, please go as far as China, if you have to, to get the right knowledge. Not knowing is not an option and what you don’t know will kill you. This is true when it comes to diabetes regardless of the category you fall under.

Lastly, take the advice of the experts with a pinch of salt. In fact, you will be better off doing the exact opposite of the professional medical advise for your type2 diabetes.

Check out my cutting edge information here and change your life for the better.

type 2 diabetes cure by diet Type2 diabetes is not the end type 2 diabetes cure by diet

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